On June 17, BHT hosted a forum to introduce the draft Behavioral Health Access Report, produced for BHT by our partners at Providence CORE and Community Health Strategies LLC.
The report is designed for providers, policymakers, advocates, and other stakeholders to inÂcrease their understanding of the behavioral health care system in the BHT region and the issues affecting access to care for individuals with mental health and substance use disorders.
DRAFT Behavioral Health Access Report
We are looking for feedback on a few specific areas, but welcome any thoughts, comments, and questions.
Audience: who could you imagine sharing this kind of information with? What specific information or stories to highlight? Or data gaps to call out?
What specific information, stories, or key points should an audience hear?
What opportunities do you see from this report? (e.g. policy, regional coordination, etc.)
Please email sarah@betterhealthtogether.org with any feedback by Weds, July 1.