The Easy Way To Floss More

Posted December 27, 2019

It’s the night before your semi-annual dentist appointment. You’re prepping by thoroughly brushing your teeth, and suddenly you see the dusty floss container sitting there on the far side of the counter. Your heart drops. You frantically try to remember the last time you flossed as your tongue slides over your teeth.


You can already picture the look on the hygienist’s face when she asks you the dreaded question…how often do you floss, dear?


Been there? Don’t worry, us too. We are here to help you avoid that awkward question and bleeding gums by making it easier to add flossing into your daily routine.


Here’s how you can make it a habit:


    1. Create a simple and visible cue.
      Give yourself a cue so you can get in the habit of remembering to floss. This could be a sticky note on your bathroom mirror, putting the floss somewhere you need to look every day or setting up a daily reminder on your phone. We can help with this! Just text FLOSS to 313131 to receive 10 days of flossing reminders. Message and data rates may apply.
    2. Make it easy.
      Keep floss stashed everywhere. Your car, your kitchen, your purse, your desk drawer. This way you always have it available should the “craving” arise. Use little brushes or floss, whichever makes it easier to clean between teeth.
    3. Make it fun.
      Let’s face it. For most of us, flossing is not the most exciting part of the day. But why can’t it be? Make it a habit to listen to your guilty-pleasure playlist, watch a few minutes of your favorite show or have a mini-dance off with your kids while you floss to make it a part of the day you enjoy.
    4. Create a reward.
      Cavity-causing germs hide in between your teeth where your toothbrush can’t reach. Flossing is essential to prevent decay, keep your smile healthy and prevent your teeth from falling out, not to mention preventing expensive dental bills. So, make sure to reward yourself for sticking to your new habit. This could be something as simple as buying a favorite flavor of floss when you finish one box or, for a child, putting a sticker on a calendar every day with a reward at the end of the week. Both are great ways to make the habit stick.
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