Excel 1 – P4P update w trends + state + priority measures_Jan2021
Excel 2 – Achievement Value (AV) translation corrected updated Nov2020
Excel 3 – 2019 P4P results
BHT P4P Measurement Dashboard: https://public.tableau.com/profile/providence.core#!/vizhome/BHT_1/P4P
Quick tips for using the dashboard:
Use the two drop-down menus in the upper part of the screen to select the measure you are interested in, and the target year for performance.
Hover your mouse over charts and graphs for additional information (e.g. hover over a specific county on the map to see details for that county)
Use the documentation link on the right under “About this report” to see measure specifications
Let me know if you have any questions!
Measure specifications, including references to sets of codes that count:
MH treatment penetration: https://www.hca.wa.gov/assets/program/p4p-mental-health-treatment-penetration-19.pdf
SUD treatment penetration: https://www.hca.wa.gov/assets/program/substance-use-disorder-treatment-penetration-19.pdf
Opioid-specific SUD treatment penetration: https://www.hca.wa.gov/assets/program/p4p-substance-use-disorder-treatment-penetration-opioid-19.pdf
Value sets (CPT/HCPC code)
Follow-up measures – high-level specifications (HEDIS)
Follow-up measures – all related codes excel (note: this excel GIANT – it’s close to 5,000 codes. We think this will be most useful as a LOOKUP tool (e.g. to answer questions like is XXX CPT or HCPCS code counted, or XXX place of service) and not as a browsable reference list.