P4P meeting materials – February 10, 2021





Medium Contract Addendum 5.01

Excel 1 – P4P update w trends + state + priority measures_Jan2021

Excel 2 – Achievement Value (AV) translation corrected updated Nov2020

Excel 3 – 2019 P4P results

BHT P4P Measurement Dashboard: https://public.tableau.com/profile/providence.core#!/vizhome/BHT_1/P4P

Quick tips for using the dashboard:

  • Use the two drop-down menus in the upper part of the screen to select the measure you are interested in, and the target year for performance.

  • Hover your mouse over charts and graphs for additional information (e.g. hover over a specific county on the map to see details for that county)

  • Use the documentation link on the right under “About this report” to see measure specifications

  • Let me know if you have any questions!

Measure specifications, including references to sets of codes that count:

Value sets (CPT/HCPC code)