The renewal of Waiver 1115 has brought BHT an exciting opportunity to dive deeper into Medicaid transformation and, specifically, how we create better avenues of access to equitable care in the community. 9 ACHS (Accountable Communities of Health) have received an opportunity to create this kind of community-based care within their regions (BHT being lucky enough to be one of them).
Recently, our president, Alison Poulsen, joined with several other leaders of the Washington ACHs (Accountable Communities of Health) to share state approaches to addressing health-related social needs and the future of community-based care coordination. The webinar was hosted by the Roundtable on Population Health Improvement and the Funders Forum on Accountable Health at the George Washington University Milken School of Public Health, and featured the latest progress and lessons learned from a range of states (Ohio, Rhode Island, Texas, and Washington) that vary in geography, policy context (i.e., Medicaid expansion status), and their approaches to addressing health-related social needs.