Spokane Collaborative Meeting Materials – June 2023

Collaborative Slides

Learning Session Materials

Partner Shares Materials

  • Participant list! Interested in connecting to someone who was at the June collaborative? Check out the participant contact list.
    2023 Attendee Contacts List

  • Spokane Regional Transportation Council (SRTC) is establishing an equity working group. If you are interested in transportation equity or know someone who may be interested in helping spread the word or participating themselves, please reach out to Michael Redlinger at mredlinger@srtc.org.

Dr. Jim Mohr (He/him) presents to a group of collaborative members. A slide is projected behind him showing the cycles of Liberation Framework.

Collaborative members talk and network over lunch.

Spokane Collaborative Meeting Materials – February, 2023


PowerPoint Slides

Grant writing technical assistance request form

Partner Shares Materials

UW Psychiatry Consultation Line (PCL):

  • Starting January 23, any health, mental health or substance use care provider in Washington may now call the PCL with questions about medications or diagnosis. This includes prescribing providers and non-prescribing providers. This marks a significant expansion and we’re excited to find ways to connect with non-prescribers who might benefit from the use of the line.

  • Athena Stevens is our new PCL Outreach Director and will take over building relationships and getting the word out about this free service.

2022 Housing Security Findings – Survey facilitated by The ZoNE

BHT Community-based Care Coordination Landscape Analysis

  • This report contains in-depth explanations of themes along with quotes from interviewees, a roadmap, and appendices with methodology information and full survey results.

Spokane Collaborative Materials – November, 2022

This month we ask that you participate in a self guided reflection and take the Wilder Collaborative Factors Inventory in lieu of a formal convening.

  1. Filll in the blank “If you want people to       , create the conditions for belonging.”

  2. The 5 tenets of belonging are Psychological Safety, Empathy, Acceptance, Connection, and Embrace (PEACE). Share one way you will personally implement PEACE in your work or communications.

  3. How might PEACE be implemented in your organization’s practices? Think staff meeting structure, group norms, communications, and wellness.

Teach back activity: Fitting In vs. Belonging – Consider doing this with your team at your next staff meeting!

  • This activity includes an 11-minute video and about 20 minutes of reflection. We also recommend discussing your reflections as a team.

  • This resource has been provided by Better Health Together’s Movement Building Team.

Link to Wilder Collaborative Factors Inventory

  • The Wilder Collaborative Factors Inventory is a tool we’ve used for several years to gauge the Collaborative’s work together.

  • Please complete by Wednesday, November 23rd

  • The survey has 45 likert scale questions and 6 open response supplemental questions. Approximately 25 minutes to complete.

Partner Shares Materials

Please contact Symetria at symetria@betterhealthtogether.org to share an event or announcement.

  • Better Health Together is seeking up to 10 members to join the Community Health Worker Training Program (CHWTP) Steering Committee. Committee members will help provide program feedback and input, recruit program trainees, and advocate for current and future CHWs. They will receive a $100 stipend for each quarterly virtual meeting attended. We are seeking voices from: 

    • Black, Indigenous, and people of color

    • LGBTQIA2S+ individuals

    • Those who have a disability or disabilities

    • Those living in rural Eastern WA (Adams, Ferry, Pend Oreille, Stevens counties)

    • Those with experience as a CHW or in a client-facing role 

    • Apply here: https://forms.office.com/r/NwmEL1CZZq

  • Free equity resource! Disrupting Racism in the Moment Webinar by Andrea Lising Paull, M.Ed and Fleur Larsen

  • Spokane Collaborative Opportunity: Grant writing technical assistance request form

Spokane Collaborative Meeting Materials – October, 2022


Learning Short Supplemental Documents – Accessibility 101 Erin Georgen, BHT Communications Mgr

Grant writing technical assistance request form

Partner Shares Materials

  • October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

    • (M.i.A event) In Her Shoes experiential training October 27 5:00-7:00pm

    • (Stop the Silence & SRDVC event) Purple 4 a Purpose all month of Oct. look for participating restaurants + more who will be bringing awareness and sharing profits

  • Aging & Long Term Care of E WA

    • Medicare Open Enrollment

      • Come to us for SHIBA Medicare resources and book an appointment with a qualified aide to help you get started

    • Senior Assistance Fund Fall Auction – ends November 16

      • Every dollar raised will go towards the Client Emergency Fund at Aging & Long Term Care of Eastern Washington.

  • Jen (SRHD) shared that Rumyana was trained in HOPE Science (Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences) and they can share presentations, the impacts of the program, and how to incorporate it.

  • SRHD is hiring three positions: Keeping Kids Safe (preventing child deaths); also policy, systems, and environmental change work in priority health areas. Job alerts available on the SRHD website.

  • Danielle (SRHD) shared Priority Spokane is launching their community assessment process. If you are interested in joining one of the task force meetings reach out to me by email or you can visit the Priority Spokane website. Topical areas: Education, economic vitality, environment, housing, public safety and health.

  • Lutheran Community Services NW is hiring, especially physicians who work with children. And they need volunteers! Volunteers receive free crime victim advocacy training and become certified advocates. A lot of the work is on-call so it’s a good opportunity to get volunteer hours.