Funding Opportunity: Flexible Workforce Support Funding

January 1, 2025 Update: This opportunity is now closed.

Posted November 14, 2024

At the November meeting, members of the Better Health Together Behavioral Health Forum approved a motion to allocate $150,000 of their remaining available funds for member organizations to use at their discretion to support the behavioral health workforce. Please read below for full details, including instructions regarding how to access these dollars.

Purpose of funds: provide flexible dollars to BHT Behavioral Health Forum member organizations to support the behavioral health workforce.

Dollar amount per organization: the total amount to each organization will depend on the number of requests received during the specified time period. The $150,000 of allocated funds will be divided evenly by the number of eligible requesting organizations who apply by the deadline. There are 33 member organizations, so the minimum amount available per organization is $4,545.

Eligibility: organizations requesting funds must be members of the Better Health Together Behavioral Health Forum. In order to receive funds, organizations must describe how they intend to use these funds to support the behavioral health workforce.  


  • November 14 through December 31, 2024: request for funds open

  • Early January: notification of award to eligible organizations

  • Mid-January: distribution of funds, contingent on completed paperwork

Reporting: there are no reporting requirements for these funds, but organizations must include a description of how they intend to use the funds as part of their application process.  

Additional requirements:

  • W9: to be submitted with request for funds. Must use the most recent IRS version of the form (updated March 2024).

  • Attestation form: certifies that the recipient organization will use the funds as intended. To be completed upon award notification.

  • Consent to public statements form: gives permission for Better Health Together to share publicly about fund recipients. To be completed upon award notification.

Questions: Contact Hannah Klaassen,

Funding Opportunity: Offset Lost Billable Hours for BH Forum Member Organizations

Updated August 19, 2024

This opportunity has closed. If you have questions about your request for funds, please contact Hannah Klaassen:

Posted July 1, 2024

At the June meeting, members of the Better Health Together Behavioral Health Forum approved a motion to allocate $45,000 of training funds to offset lost billable hours. Please read below for full details, including instructions regarding how to access these dollars.

Purpose of funds: provide direct payments to eligible organizations to replace income lost when staff members are engaged in training that prevents them from billing for their time. Funds can cover any trainings attended by billable staff during the 2024 and 2025 calendar years.

Dollar amount per organization: the total amount to each organization will depend on the number of requests received during the specified time period. The $45,000 of allocated funds will be divided evenly by the number of eligible requesting organizations.

 Eligibility: organizations requesting funds must be members of the Better Health Together Behavioral Health Forum.


  • July 1 through August 16, 2024: request for funds open

  • Week of August 19: notification of award to eligible organizations

  • Mid-August through September: distribution of funds, contingent on completed paperwork

Reporting: there are no reporting requirements for these funds, but organizations must include an estimated average rate for offsetting lost billable hours when they submit their request for funds.

Additional requirements:

  • W9: to be submitted with request for funds. Must use the most recent IRS version of the form (updated March 2024).

  • Attestation form: certifies that the recipient organization will use the funds as intended. To be completed upon award notification.

  • Consent to public statements form: gives permission for Better Health Together to share publicly about fund recipients.  To be completed upon award notification.


Contact Hannah Klaassen,

Funding Opportunity: Grant Writing Stipends for Community-based Organizations

Updated: October 2, 2024

Allocated 2024 funds have been expended. Please watch for updates in 2025.


If you have been around BHT for a while, you may know we are currently working under a recently renewed Medicaid Waiver 1115, which we are calling Waiver 2.0. One of the key elements of Medicaid Waiver 2.0 is building a robust system of community-based care coordination through the region’s Accountable Communities of Health (hey, that’s us!). Because BHT is made up of partners, board, and staff members who are tenacious problem solvers, we’re starting to build our strategy.

In BHT’s Strategic Plan we’ve grounded ourselves in a 1-5 year view of the following: 

  • Expanding community-based organizations’ ability to connect people to anti-racist care 

  • Shifting power to impacted communities* to dismantle white dominant systems 

  • Improving linkages between clinical and social-care resources 

  • Improving economic and social well-being of the community-based workforce**

We know that capacity building is challenging, and we are developing strategies to support these efforts with a focus on organizations providing community-based care coordination. We are calling this the Community of Learning.

Grant Writing Support Initiative


It’s important for us to use data to inform our Community of Learning strategy. We started with voluntary Organizational Capacity Assessments for our current community-based care coordination partners, Community Resiliency and Community Linkages partners (two of our funding opportunities from last year), and our broader partner community to understand current strengths and areas for potential investment.

The need for grant writing support emerged as a common, high-priority theme. As a result, we have allocated up to $220,000 to this initiative. Organizations are eligible for up to $5,000 to fund grant-writing technical assistance provided by a grant writing consultant of their choice. Our objective is to support as many community-based organizations as possible to secure additional funding and increase their capacity through these Grant Writing Stipends.

Program Details

  • To request funds, organizations must identify a specific grant opportunity that they want to pursue or have already applied for in 2024 and list it in their application (link below). This can include private or public funding (local, state, or federal).

  • An eligibility check is included as part of the application process to ensure organizations meet the requirements for the identified grant.

  • Funds will be awarded based on meeting the eligibility requirements outlined below.

  • The $5,000 maximum is an organization-level cap, but each specific funding request must go through the application and approval process. That is, if you want to use these funds to pursue two different opportunities, each request must be submitted and approved separately.

  • Funding is not available to spend on grant research or prospecting.

Funding Eligibility

Applicants must be nonprofits or fiscally sponsored organizations located in the BHT region (map at this link) and must meet at least 3 out of the following 4 to be eligible for grant writing support funding:   

  1. Your organization does not have a full-time development director or grant writer on staff (we aren’t counting contracted – so if you have a contracted development or grant support person helping you, you can still apply). 

  2. Your organization has an annual operating budget of less than $2 million. 

  3. Your organization has a current or developing relationship with BHT. This includes organizations that have contracted with BHT at any time, current BHT Collaborative or Forum Members with signed agreements, and/or organizations with representatives currently serving on a BHT technical council or board.  

  4. Your organization has at least 50% representation of folks from impacted communities* on your board or leadership (self-defined leadership).

Additionally, your organization’s mission and values should align with BHT’s Vision, Goals, and Commitment to Anti-racism. BHT’s vision is an integrated and anti-racist health system accountable for better health for ALL in Eastern Washington. Our goals and commitment to anti-racism center health equity, and partners eligible for this opportunity share these commitments.


Grant Writing Stipend applications will be processed in the order they are received, and the application will remain open until December 31, 2024, or until funding is expended. If you have questions or would like to submit the request in a different language or format, email Ethan Senn:

 Application and approval steps:

  1. You complete the Grant Writing Stipend application (link below) with a specific funding opportunity and the name and contact information for your contracted grant writer. A PDF of the application is available at this link.

    • If you don’t know if you are eligible for the funding opportunity you have identified, you can request an eligibility coaching session with us by signing up using the form. We will send you a calendar invitation and Zoom
      link for the designated time.

  2. We review your request.

  3. We email you and the grant writer listed in your application to confirm approval for grant writing funding, collect more information, or deny funding if eligibility criteria are not met.

  4. You work directly with your grant writer to prepare and submit the grant proposal for this funding opportunity.

  5. You notify us when you submit the proposal and tell us the amount you requested.

  6. Your grant writer submits an invoice and their W9 to We pay your grant writer directly.

    • If this is for a 2024 grant project that is already complete or you would like the payment to be made directly to your organization, please send detailed invoicing from your grant writer showing the charges for their work on the approved funding opportunity.

  7. You let us know when you hear back about your application. We are tracking this information and are excited to know the results!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I don’t have a current grant opportunity in mind. Can I apply for these funds to use in the future?
No. Because of the way we are tracking the project, we need each Grant Writing Stipend to be matched with one funding opportunity. You must have an identified grant opportunity to receive the Grant Writing Stipend.

Q: After working with a grant writer on an application, we decided not to apply. Can the grant writer still invoice BHT for their time even if we don’t submit a completed proposal?
A: Yes. We understand plans change, and we want to make sure we are honoring the time of the grant writer involved. We will still pay for the hours your grant writer spent in exploring and/or preparing an application.

Q: My organization’s internal team has the ability to write this grant. Can we apply for funding to cover staff time?
No, we have set aside this funding for external technical assistance grant writers to increase resources going to CBOs.

 Q: I don’t have a grant writer. Will you help me connect with a grant writer?
We are not providing an approved list of grant writers; we encourage you to make direct connections and ask your community partners if they have recommendations.

Q: What does BHT expect after we hear back about our grant application?
As part of accepting the Grant Writing Stipend funds, you are agreeing to let us know the results of your application, whether or not you are selected as a funding recipient. We are tracking the overall dollars invested in community-based organizations through this initiative, and we will be totaling grant money received as a result.


Contact Ethan Senn,

Helpful Terms

*Impacted communities: BHT uses the term impacted communities to refer broadly to all groups that have been impacted by systems of oppression, such as Black, Indigenous, People of Color, 2SLGBTQA+, persons with a disability, legal-system impacted, low-income, persons experiencing housing instability, undocumented community members, refugee/immigrant people, rural community members, and more groups that face inequity.

**Community-based workforce: We use the term “community-based workforce” to talk about our community workers, including doulas, peers, community health workers, and other community-serving individuals who aren’t employed by health care providers or insurance companies.  

Funding Opportunities: Rural School-Based Healthcare & Health-Related Social Needs of Students

Updated July 2024: This opportunity is now closed. Announcement of awardees coming in Fall 2024.


The Better Health Together (BHT) Board recently allocated $450,000 in regional Infrastructure dollars to support Rural School-Based Healthcare projects to increase access and provide rural students vital care. In January and February of 2024, BHT worked to gather feedback from rural schools and providers* to assess the needs and capacity within rural counties across eastern Washington. Based on that feedback, BHT is currently accepting proposals and expecting to fund between 6-10 projects, with a maximum of $75,000 per proposal.

In recognition of our Mission to radically improve the health of the region and our Vision of an integrated and anti-racist health system accountable for better health for ALL in eastern Washington, BHT is seeking proposals that demonstrate they will address socioeconomic, cultural, racial, geographic, and other health disparities experienced by students and their families in rural communities.

In addition, BHT has set aside $50,000 to meet the health-related needs** of students with ten (10) $5,000 mini-grants to schools.


School-Based Healthcare

BHT is seeking one- or two-year project proposals from healthcare providers and schools (grades preK-12) serving and based in Adams, Ferry, Lincoln, Pend Oreille, and Stevens Counties or serving and based in Kalispel Tribe of Indians, Spokane Tribe of Indians, and Colville Confederated Tribes sovereign lands.

Health-Related Social Needs of Students

In addition, BHT is offering a $5,000 supplement or, as a stand-alone, for the health-related needs** of students.

Please submit your proposals for one or both funding opportunities by May 15, 2024.  


Increase access to youth and families in rural settings to affordable, quality, and culturally relevant school-based health care in our rural counties. 

BHT will place priority on funding proposals that:

  • Include partnerships with local healthcare providers and schools.

  • Serving low-income and high-need students from impacted communities.***

  • Have a plan for sustainability once the funding has been expended.

  • Projects that demonstrate long-term strategies that address systemic inequities within rural communities.

What should proposals address?

This funding can be used to provide health-related services to students while they are in school. These programs or services could be telehealth/therapy, on-site and place-based, or mobile services.

In addition, BHT is offering a $5,000 supplement or, as a stand-alone, for the health-related needs** of students. This can include hygiene kits, weather-appropriate outerwear, safety and prevention equipment, and any other health-related need identified by the school administration.

The following criteria will be used to determine how funds are distributed:

  • Provider applicants must provide a letter of support and intent to partner from at least one school or School Board.

  • School District/Board applicants must provide a letter of support and intent to partner with a provider; partnerships with locally-based providers will be prioritized.

  • Proposals should include an expected budget and proposed sustainability plan once funds have been expended.

  • Proposals should include plans for outreach to those most impacted by healthcare access inequities and culturally competent care.

Funds cannot be used to pay Medicaid reimbursable expenses.

Timeline and Process

  • April – May 15 | Request for Proposals (RFP) Open

  • May 15 -30 | Review Committee Selects Awardees

  • June-August | Draft Statements of Work and Plans

  • September | Launch Projects

If you have any questions please contact Hannah Klaassen, Program Manager:

Helpful Terms

*Providers: BHT uses the term healthcare providers, in this instance, to include but not be limited to primary care, dental, behavioral health, and specialty care providers.

**Health-Related Needs: BHT acknowledges there is more to health than primary care; it is also the access to social, physical, occupational, mental, and behavioral resources that make up the larger picture of what makes someone healthy. We recognize that all these areas are interconnected and determine a person’s overall health.  This can include hygiene kits, weather-appropriate outerwear, safety and prevention equipment, and any other health-related need identified by the school administration.

***Impacted Communities: BHT uses the term impacted communities to refer broadly to all groups that have been impacted by systems of oppression, such as Black, Indigenous, People of Color, 2SLGBTQA+, persons with a disability, legal-system impacted, low-income, persons experiencing housing instability, undocumented community members, refugee/immigrant people, rural community members, and more groups that face inequity.