January 1, 2025 Update: This opportunity is now closed.
Posted November 14, 2024
At the November meeting, members of the Better Health Together Behavioral Health Forum approved a motion to allocate $150,000 of their remaining available funds for member organizations to use at their discretion to support the behavioral health workforce. Please read below for full details, including instructions regarding how to access these dollars.
Purpose of funds: provide flexible dollars to BHT Behavioral Health Forum member organizations to support the behavioral health workforce.
Dollar amount per organization: the total amount to each organization will depend on the number of requests received during the specified time period. The $150,000 of allocated funds will be divided evenly by the number of eligible requesting organizations who apply by the deadline. There are 33 member organizations, so the minimum amount available per organization is $4,545.
Eligibility: organizations requesting funds must be members of the Better Health Together Behavioral Health Forum. In order to receive funds, organizations must describe how they intend to use these funds to support the behavioral health workforce.
November 14 through December 31, 2024: request for funds open
Early January: notification of award to eligible organizations
Mid-January: distribution of funds, contingent on completed paperwork
Reporting: there are no reporting requirements for these funds, but organizations must include a description of how they intend to use the funds as part of their application process.
Additional requirements:
W9: to be submitted with request for funds. Must use the most recent IRS version of the form (updated March 2024).
Attestation form: certifies that the recipient organization will use the funds as intended. To be completed upon award notification.
Consent to public statements form: gives permission for Better Health Together to share publicly about fund recipients. To be completed upon award notification.
Questions: Contact Hannah Klaassen, hannah@betterhealthtogether.org