It’s National Dentists Day! Throughout Washington state, Arcora Foundation and our partners work with dentists who give their time and talents back to their communities. We want to take a moment and give a huge thank you to these providers for improving oral health access for all, with no one left behind.
The Arcora team sees the positive impact these skilled dentists make each and every day. DentistLink referral specialists hear repeatedly how thankful patients are to get connected with a dentist who will care for them, regardless of their insurance status. On the SmileMobile, we see how compassionate volunteer dentists can calm nerves and make all patients, young and old, feel welcome. Dentists in programs like Access to Baby & Child Dentistry and Oral Health Connections participate in extra training in order to properly care for underserved, at-risk populations. And that’s just the tip of the oral health iceberg!
So from all of us at Arcora Foundation, thank you for helping us achieve our mission and for working towards a future where everyone can access the essential oral health care they need and deserve to stay healthy.