Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Everyone deserves good oral and overall health.
Together with our partners, we center our work in equity to achieve good oral health for all.
Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are essential to Arcora Foundation’s mission—bending the arc of oral health toward equity. Not everyone has the same opportunities for good oral health. In Washington state, data show disparities in oral health—especially for Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color populations.
With our DEI approach, we intentionally commit to:
Represent and reflect people of various races and ethnicities, genders and gender expressions, sexual orientations, cognitive or physical ability, ages, and religious affiliations and beliefs, and geography.
Assure availability of appropriate, tailored resources, and treatment for every person to access opportunities and reach their full potential based on where they are and where they want to go.
Honor and welcome diverse voices, backgrounds, and perspectives with authenticity and a true sense of belonging.
Paired with our DEI work is health equity, a framework that:
- Assures conditions exist for the highest standard of health and well-being that reflect every person’s needs.
- Reallocates power and resources.
- Dismantles oppressive systems.
- Heals harm from system imbalances.
- Eliminates racism and discrimination as factors to predict life expectancy and health outcomes.
Our DEI work is a journey. We’ll continue to evolve as an organization. Because partnerships are integral to our work, we’ll also demonstrate greater capacity for equitable practices and policies to better engage with communities as an authentic partner.

More DEI Resources
We can’t do this work without you. Advancing oral health requires public and private partnerships, policy advocacy, and funding. Join us in our mission to bend the arc of oral health toward equity. To learn more about our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, contact Arcora at info@arcorafoundation.org.